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 Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.

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Leading Aircraftman
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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 2:34 pm

According to this post on the It Bites forum, four of the dates on the forthcoming tour have been cancelled (Newcastle, Glasgow, Workington and Pontypridd) due to an illness in the family of one of the bands. The remaining eight dates are still going ahead. Workington is rescheduled for next year, but as an It Bites gig only, so it looks like a cancellation as far as MA is concerned.

Nothing on the MA site yet, but since it's by the administrator of It Bites' official forum, I'm assuming this is an official announcement. Some venues had already announced cancellations of individual gigs, this is confirmation that the remaining gigs are still on.

The same thread also states who's on first at each of the remaining gigs.
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Tail Gunner
Tail Gunner

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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 4:15 pm

That's bad news, as we were going to the Newcastle gig Sad
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Leading Aircraftman
Leading Aircraftman

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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 4:17 pm

Newcastle's not had a lot of luck, with The Reasoning forced to cancel because of illness, and MA cancelling a gig last year.
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Leading Aircraftman
Leading Aircraftman

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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 5:25 pm

Nothing on the official MA website or forum (I decided against posting anything there myself)
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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 12:03 pm

Hi Kalyr. I have just added another post on the MA site about the cancellations. As your eagle eyes noticed it took naerly a day for my original post to appear - we'll see how long this one takes. The site has been extremely quiet for a while now. The cancellation of the Newcastle gig is the third time I have had tickets for a pulled MA gig in the town - The Newcastle Opera House, Legends last year and now this. Disappointing but if someone is ill the locations of Glasgow, Newcastle and Workington are all probably distant from the sick person.
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Leading Aircraftman
Leading Aircraftman

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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 2:17 pm

To be fair on the band, having spoken to one of them last night, they're almost as much in the dark as we are.
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Tail Gunner
Tail Gunner

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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 13, 2011 1:42 pm

Newcastle isn't a town it's a Toon or a city, Sunderland is called a town......important to those of us who live around here jocolor
But seriously, the band do appear to have had no luck with gigs here over the last few years, but when they have played the Tyne Theatre, Academy and Sage, the gigs have been belters.
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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.   Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead. I_icon_minitime

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Mostly Autumn/It Bites tour - some dates cancelled, rest of tour going ahead.
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